Query the Songbook database

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Choose one of the available queries.

File nameDescription or SQL code
01-event.sql List all the events
02-event_song.sql List every song included for every event
03-frequency.sql Lists songs in order of how often they have been recorded as having been sung, most frequent first.
04-weighted_frequency.sql Lists songs in order of how often they have been recorded as having been sung, but orders by "singer events", not just a simple count, so that events with more people count for more than those with just a few.
10-not_sung_in_3_months.sql List songs that have not been sung in the last three months, provided that they have been sung at some time with a familiarity score of "fully confident". (That is, songs we know but have not sung recently.)
11-not_sung_in_6_months.sql List songs that have not been sung in the last six months, provided that they have been sung at some time with a familiarity score of "fully confident". (That is, songs we know but have not sung recently.)
12-not_sung_in_12_months.sql List songs that have not been sung in the last year, provided that they have been sung at some time with a familiarity score of "fully confident". (That is, songs we know but have not sung recently.)
13-learning.sql List songs that have been sung in the last six months, but whose familiarity has never been recorded as "fully confident".
19-never_sung.sql List songs that have not been recorded as having been sung.
20_concerns.sql List all songs that have concerns listed against them.
21_notes.sql List all songs that have comments listed against them.
22-notes_and_concerns.sql List all songs that have either notes or concerns listed against them.
32-sung_in_12_months.sql List songs that have been sung in the last year
99 disabled checktunes.sqlSELECT 'TUNE DUPLICATION CHECK: songs ', t0.song_number, t0.song_name, 'and', t1.song_number, t1.song_name, 'share a common tune name, but do not both have tune notes entered.' FROM s_songbook t0, s_songbook t1 WHERE t0.tune_name = t1.tune_name and (t0.tune_notes='' or t1.tune_notes='') and t0.song_number < t1.song_number; SELECT 'TUNE DUPLICATION CHECK: songs ', t0.song_number, t0.song_name, 'and', t1.song_number, t1.song_name, 'share a common tune name, but have different tune notes entered.' FROM s_songbook t0, s_songbook t1 WHERE t0.tune_name = t1.tune_name and (t0.tune_notes<> t1.tune_notes) and not (t0.tune_notes='' or t1.tune_notes='') and t0.song_number < t1.song_number;
99 disabled columns.sqlshow tables; show columns from s_songbook; show columns from s_familiarity_sources;
songbook.sql MySQL dump 10.11 Host: localhost Database: roster ------------------------------------------------------ Server version 5.0.67 Table structure for table `s_songbook` Dumping data for table `s_songbook` Table structure for table `s_event` Dumping data for table `s_event` Table structure for table `s_event_song` Dumping data for table `s_event_song` Temporary table structure for view `s_songleader` Table structure for table `s_books` Dumping data for table `s_books` Table structure for table `s_event_class` Dumping data for table `s_event_class` Table structure for table `s_event_weight` Dumping data for table `s_event_weight` Table structure for table `s_familiarity` Dumping data for table `s_familiarity` Table structure for table `s_tunes` Dumping data for table `s_tunes` Table structure for table `s_upto` Dumping data for table `s_upto` Final view structure for view `s_songleader` Dump completed on 2009-08-23 8:25:23

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Church of Christ, Malaga